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About us






This teaching unit was established in 1988 and its original name was Department of Physical Education (a two-year program) aimed for continuing the professional education in graduates of junior physical education (PE) college, nurturing higher PE professionals, and promoting national PE development.

For the trend of international development of sport promotion education and the needs of integrating sports and leisure activities, this unit was renamed as the Department of Sport Promotion(DSP, a four-year program) in 1999 by Ministry of Education (MOE) aimed for incubating manpower for instruction and promotion in sport games, children PE, and sports and leisure activities.

To match up the returnee policy of MOE, a Two-Year Advanced Program for on-the-job students was commenced in 2000. For the international trend of sports for all, a Mater Program was added in 2004 and another Master Program for on-the-job students was originated in 2007.



【Educational Aims】

1. Training guidance and promotion of recreational sports talent.
2. Develop children physical education instruction and promotion personnel.
3. Foster the professionals for sport events, promoting sports competitions and operational personnel.



Undergraduate Programs

The educational purposes are focused on the instruction and promotion of sport events, children physical education, and recreational sport. DSP is the first and the only academic department aims at developing sport promotion in Taiwam. Sport is becoming one of the important components of human rights. The graduates of DSP will be educated to become professional staffs with both ideas and actions.


Master Programs

The Master Program of DSP aims at nurturing the practical researchers in sport promotion. The curriculums emphasize on creating a platform for communicating theories and practices and connecting teaching and research to respond the developing trend of sport promotion education worldwide.


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